Targeting the Sufferer not the Season

GSK (Piri)

Agency: Spark Foundry / PlatformGSK

With hay fever, the only thing a planner can be certain of is uncertainty. We know pollen will drop each year but exactly where, when, and to what severity is much more problematic to predict.

Also, hay fever is a condition heavily characterised by distress purchase behaviour - it's hard to think of a sector where immediate and precise activations could be more desirable.

By combining data with product innovation, we harnessed the erratic unpredictability of our British weather, and our very British habit of talking about it.

We didn't just read the pollen count, we listened for sneezes and snuffles. We built a product to target the sufferer, not the season.

We combined weather data and social listening to simultaneously power synchronised, multi-channel activation across all Piri's key digital channels (OOH, connected TV, social and display).

In 2020, Piri was first to react when and where it truly mattered - responding to distress calls with geo-targeted, multi-channel messaging that referenced pollen conditions in your local borough.

Our activation platform provides a template for growth, one that offers scope for future integration of new channels and expansion into other healthcare categories.