Ronseal Presents... The Great Garden Revolution


Agency: DentsuMB UK

As the UK went into lockdown due to Covid-19, a DIY craze broke out across the country. Suddenly finding themselves with plenty of time on their hands, people set about getting their DIY jobs done in the home and garden.

We needed a strategy to help woodcare brand Ronseal respond to the opportunity. With the demand for helpful, easily digestible content on the rise, we saw that our campaign didn’t need to be a standard advertising campaign. It could take a different shape entirely.

Working with fellow dentsu agency The Story Lab, dentsuMB partnered with Channel 4 to create a new advertiser-funded TV programme. Ronseal Presents…The Great Garden Revolution was born.

The four-part series featured a team of new gardening talent who showed off their transformational ideas, while Ronseal played a leading role as its products were integrated into the programmes to show how easy they make every task.

The series was a huge hit, reaching 845,000 viewers on average. The resultant surge in brand awareness and consideration helped Ronseal to drive sales at levels well above the pre-pandemic norm.

The programme has been so successful that a new series is in the pipeline with Channel 4 for 2022.